Neck pain is the second most common reason for a visit to a Chiropractor. With such a high percentage of the population being desk-bound throughout the day, our reliance on computers is increasing this type of pain.
Neck pain can often be associated with shoulder pain or shoulder tension, headaches or migraines, and less commonly, referral of pain, pins and needles or numbness down the arm to the hands. Some of the common causes of neck pain include joint or ligament problems, muscle spasm and tension, disc bulges or disc protrusions and problems with posture.
At Central Coast Chiropractic we take the time to listen to you and perform a thorough examination in order to diagnose the cause of your pain. Often, we can commence treatment immediately, however occasionally we may need to refer you for further investigation possibly an X-ray or MRI should it be clinically indicated.
At Central Coast Chiropractic our treatment is well considered and gentle. We will take the time to explain your treatment options and will only commence treatment when you are completely comfortable for us to do so.